
  Office/Recraft Bazaar: 270 Brevard Avenue - Cocoa, Florida - 32922     321-220-3379  

Office/Recraft Bazaar regular hours:  Sat 11am-5pm (always check our CALENDAR before planning a visit)

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Shown below are upcoming events. For a full list or to register, please visit our Eventbrite page.

Reconnecting with the Earth

Brevard Zoo: Every Thursday, October 3- November 21. 6-8 P.M.

Recycle Brevard, Inc. is pleased to announce that it will be offering the discussion course Reconnecting with Earth at the Brevard Zoo in Viera (Cave classroom) for adults 18 and older.

The course follows the’s program and it helps participants explore how our cultural beliefs and personal values affect the way we view and treat Earth. Together, you discuss how our well-being is inextricably linked to the well-being of our planet. Participants discover a deeper respect for the planet and a renewed commitment to act—a shift that could be the key to real and lasting change.

This is a one-day-a-week 7 week course (October 3 - November 21), meeting every Thursday (except October 31) from 6:00 - 8:00pm. The course is limited to the first 15 registrants. Registration closes on October 1st. A minimum of five registered participants is necessary for the course to be offered.

Register for Volunteer Meeting

Volunteer Meeting

ONLINE: Friday, August 9 @ 3 P.M.

At this meeting, CURRENT VOLUNTEERS come together to discuss progress and needs of each project volunteers are involved in; make announcements; give and receive feedback on programs and internal processes; share suggestions for overall improvements; and catch up with each other's activities so everyone is aware of what everyone else is doing.

Even though this is a meeting for current volunteers, these meetings are OPEN to POTENTIAL VOLUNTEERS and COMMUNITY MEMBERS.Potential volunteers, friends and curious, engaged community members are invited to attend to learn more about Recycle Brevard, our office, our programs, our projects and our mission in an informal, open-to-all volunteer meeting. Our volunteer meetings happen the SECOND FRIDAY of EVERY OTHER MONTH (adjusted days during holidays or other special days) and you are invited to participate.

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